Re: Какой сетевой интерфейс используется при перемещении ВМ между хранилищами?
Maxim wrote: VMware vSphere 5.0 Student Guide стр. 158:Виртуальный свич используется для- VMkernel- - например: IP хранилки или vmotion миграции- - для управляющей сети ESXi- Одной или нескольких групп...
View ArticleRe: How to repair vmdk?
When you retore the vmware back using Time Machine you will lose any data back to that point. My vmware lost a critical file back one month so I had to much business into that I had to recover. Even...
View ArticleRe: Powershell script to see paths
A ForEach loop doesn't place objects on the pipeline, so you'll have to use a trick.Place the complete script in a call block, and then you can do the export.It would look something like this & {#...
View ArticleRe: Какой сетевой интерфейс используется при перемещении ВМ между хранилищами?
Maxim wrote: хранилка iSCSI - ethernet - ESXi 1 vmkernel (iSCSI port) - ESXi 1 vmkernel (vmotion port) - ethernet - ESXi 2 vmkernel (vmotion port) - ESXi 2 vmkernel (iSCSI port) - ethernet - хранилка...
View ArticleHow do I resolve ESXi boot problems?
Have tried an install of VMware ESXi 5.1.0.I downloaded iso and burned to dvd then proceeded.The installation went fine but on restart in fails to boot with just a flashing cursor on screen.The server...
View ArticleRe: Removing Network Adapters from Powered On VM's
Robert, I worked your script a bit to try and remove all NIC's with a certain port group name (e.g. an entire VLAN) and ended up with the following: $VMs = Get-VM test*$spec = New-Object...
View ArticleRe: CBT - How exactly does this work?!
Here is a nice article have look this..,Milton
View ArticleRe: Removing Network Adapters from Powered On VM's
Is there anything in the vmware.log around the time when you remove the NIC ?
View ArticleRe: Powershell script to see paths
Stunning, that has just saved me a huge amount of OAT testing time. Many thanks
View ArticleRe: Add Firewall Rules to a vCloud Director vApp Network via PowerCLI
Hi, I found my answer, here is the final solution. $vAppNet = Get-CIVAPP 111 | Get-CIVAppNetwork vApp_Network$vApp = Get-CIVAPP 111$networkConfigSection = (Get-CIVapp...
View ArticleRe: View 5 and RDP, tunneled or what?
I think you are right. VSG (not VCS) is the intermediary connection between internet clients and the VM desktops on PCoIP or RDP.Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: problem with connection to local computer
Please make sure that while using Bridge mode your host and gust IP address are same subnet range. Think you missed out some think here. IP you got every think ok in NAT mode why not in Bridge...
View ArticleRe: VCAP-CIA Wait Time
Thanks for the advice, I sent an email. The urgency is primarily due to my exam fees. My employer will reimburse me if I pass, but I won't be able to request the reimbursement for much longer.
View ArticleRe: Question with Clustering
This may be a little off topic, but are we able to move hosts between hosts with vcenter? or did we need another app for something like that?If you mean Virtual Machines between hosts the answer is...
View ArticleRe: remove a snapshot without enough disk's space.
had the same problem and googled this thread. thumbs up indeed!
View ArticleRe: ESXi Hardening - host services/firewall
Even if it's not entirely accurate that is still better than anything I have found thus far. Thank you.
View ArticleRe: No Internet Access
Make sure that network adapter is enable. If your are using DHCP server then renew the IP address. Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: Какой сетевой интерфейс используется при перемещении ВМ между хранилищами?
Подтверждаю, данные с хоста на хост бегают без участия менеджмент сети. Но!!! Если у 2-х хостов нет доступа к чужим датасторам , то вот тут трафик побежит уже по менеджмент сети.
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