Re: Question with Clustering
Ah alright, perfect, well thanks for clearing that up makes a little more sense! This may be a little off topic, but are we able to move hosts between hosts with vcenter? or did we need another app...
View ArticleRe: Какой сетевой интерфейс используется при перемещении ВМ между хранилищами?
Думаю что одним куском в документации этого не найти.Почему бы вам просто не инициировать интересующий процесс (например холодная миграция) и не посмотреть на вкладке Performance на какой vmkX...
View ArticleRe: Fusion 4, Mac Lion & Windows7
I didn't hard about the conflicts. Could you please some one give me some information about this??Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: Virtual ESXi 5.1 - Nested VM's have no connectivity
Brilliant. Just tried this, and specifically enabling 'Forged Transmits' fixed it. That step wasn't on any of the guides i was following. It seems that ESXi 5.0 had these policy settings set to...
View ArticleRe: Какой сетевой интерфейс используется при перемещении ВМ между хранилищами?
если даже просто логически рассуждать, то , в обоих случаях трафик гоняется между хостом и хранилкой (если нет вааи). операции на одном хосте происходят. Тут ни при чем мэнеджемент вмк и вмк с галочкой...
View ArticleRe: HP BIOS/iLO differs from ESXi hardware sensors
To debug this can you please download ipmitool (its a open source tool) and run it on the ESXi box and please post the output as shown below # ./ipmitool sdr -v Sensor ID : Memory...
View ArticleRe: I Need a script to get the details of Inventory + Ipaddress+Datastore...
I don't know weather you will get all of them together but you will get most of them individually.Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: HA Heartbeat Network Change
PS: All other suggestions above with regards to setting advanced parameters, I wouldn't fiddle with them too much. No point in playing with time-outs if you don't know what they do!
View ArticleRe: Very slow guest file delete
10 VMs on local storage. Only 4 of them are actively used. The others are just used for occasionally testing applications. Shift+Delete or emptying the recycle bin is where the issue occurs.
View ArticleRe: Powershell script to see paths
Hi Just what I was looking for too, how could you export this to csv please?
View ArticleRe: How to register all vm in VC
[Registreer alle vmx in VC:] [create file] for i in ´find /vmfs/volumes/ -name "*.vmx" ´ do echo "Registering VM $i" vmware-cmd -s register $i done [save file...
View ArticleRe: Broadcast traffic from unknow mac address on ESX host
To trace the traffic where come from you have to use a third party tool. You can install wireshark then you can find out the traffic source and destination mac address and IP address. Try this may...
View ArticleRe: vCenter Inventory Services
Hi, I think the admin password is good, I know the master passord.So I can connect to web interface I can add and manage the identity sources, just when I run some other rsautil commands C:\Program...
View ArticleRe: Backup tools for VMware ESXi 5
This one is providing nice backup facalities... ShadowProtect Server provides the following backup and disaster recovery benefits:Rapidly recover data.Recover to similar or dissimilar hardware and/or...
View ArticleRe: Какой сетевой интерфейс используется при перемещении ВМ между хранилищами?
VMware vSphere 5.0 Student Guide стр. 158:Виртуальный свич используется для- VMkernel- - например: IP хранилки или vmotion миграции- - для управляющей сети ESXi- Одной или нескольких групп портов...
View ArticleRe: SQL Server database Transaction Isolation level for vCenter Server Database
Actually READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT was considered as optional isolation level for MSSQL but we've never performed heavy load or uptime tests to verify it's not breaking any vCenter feature. IMO you...
View ArticleRe: “ No Network adaptors” when installing ESXi 5.1
Thanx. I have replaced the network adapter with a supported network adapter.
View ArticleRe: vDR stopped backing up
Nothing I could do in the end. I had to blitz the entire repository and start again. There's very little information on this particular error online, and what is available from VMware is ridiculously...
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