Virtual Storage Appliance: consigli
Ciao a tutti, sto mettendo in piedi un piccolo cluster VMware con 2 nodi (IBM x3560 M4) senza storage condiviso.Viste le richieste (poche macchine virtuali, poco carico, ma SLA molto alti) pensavo di...
View ArticleFault Tolerance Configuration Issue
HiDo any one know a configuration or solution for this:Can i restart or shutdown a VM that is protected with Fault Tolerance and the secondary VM will take the lead and not restarted or shutdown Thanks
View ArticleRe: Unable to obtain hardware information for the selected machine -...
What's your Windows version? If it Vista+ try to turn off UAC. HTH
View ArticleRe: Integration with vSphere Converter Standalone
I believe the email I am looking for is: I will try it, to see if I get anywhere.
View ArticleAttempting to connect
I am having a challenge installing Data Recovery 2.0. I keep getting First I click on the plugin, enter my password, it indicates "Attempting to Connect", then after a few minutes the "Set vCenter...
View ArticleCall For Papers - Jesienne spotkanie 2013
Wielkimi krokami zbliża się jesienne spotkanie PLVMUG. Będziemy mieli dla Was sporo ciekawych informacji i newsów z świata Datacenter! Niedługo ujawnimy termin i zarys tematyczny... Tymczasem mamy dla...
View ArticleHP DL360 G6 + NIC Intel 82576 - passthrough not work
Hi InvmwareESXi5.1on HPDL360G6can notrunpassthroughfor the network adapter. NIChas82576chipsetand supportsSingleRootI/OVirtualization. Vmware still want me to reboot a host to start running a network...
View ArticleRe: Problems with vmrun no opening IE to correct URL -- Need Help!!!!
Nice. I will have to remember this next time. Is there a way to kill IE from command line. Before I used your work around I was using this function:killIe() { winExec...
View ArticleWhere can I find the Cold Clone CD?
It was my understanding that if you have an Enterprise Plus license for ESX, the cold clone CD was available to you with Converter, but I dont see it under the Converter downloads.We are going to be...
View ArticleRe: Virtual Storage Appliance: consigli
Ciao,ho poca esperienza con la VSA di VMware e nessuna con l'altra che citi. Invece, uso sempre con molto successo la StoreVirtual VSA di HP (prima era chiamata LeftHand).Come dici tu, la differenza...
View ArticleRe: Problems with vmrun no opening IE to correct URL -- Need Help!!!!
Sorry, I do not know why the "%22" is being inserted into the URL however I can offer this as a workaround. Use a VBScript to run IE passing it the URL as a argument. I created the attached startie.vbs...
View ArticleRe: Problems with vmrun no opening IE to correct URL -- Need Help!!!!
For as long as I can remember I've been using PsKill, which is a part of PsTools for such a task, however this has to be downloaded from Microsoft and installed while the method you're using is calling...
View ArticleRe: Virtual Storage Appliance: consigli
Ti posso consigliare Hp StorVirtual. È la VSA di Hp, ex LeftHand. Molto più flessibile e con caratteristiche di livello enterprise. Di contro il costo. Ciao
View ArticleRe: Virtual Storage Appliance: consigli
Avevo visto la StoreVirtual VSA, ma non è nella fascia di prezzo a cui mi rivolgo: mi costa più dell'intera licenza Essential Plus. 2013/7/5 ldelloca...
View ArticleAre these results as bad as they look? (DB -Pre-Upgrade Checker output)
Hi all,I'm planning an upgrade of 4.1 to 5.1. I'm currently running MSSQL 2005 DB on a windows 2008 r2 server for vCenter. I just ran the 64 bit upgrade checker which has come back with a heap or...
View ArticleRe: Migración entorno ESXi (hardware y versión 5.1)
Hola, Antes de nada muchas gracias por tu respuesta.Me surgen algunas dudas acerca de tus comentarios:- Respecto al EVC para realizar la migración no veo ningún problema, pero lo que comentas que...
View ArticleNext ICW
Good Afternoon folks, I came to this forum to look for an advice to follow in order to get my VCI certification. Thanks for your advice!
View ArticleRe: Changing Default Disk Format In Add Disk/New VM Wizard?
AakashJ- Thanks for the response, but I don't believe you understood my question. You're correct though in that you can change the disk format for existing vDisks using the options you specified. But...
View ArticleRe: vcenter has unusable lable through orchestrator client
Hi (and welcome to the community), Could you provide a bit more info, eg. versions/build numbers of vCenter and vCO, installation type (appliance, standalone Windows installation or installation as...
View ArticleRe: Changing Default Disk Format In Add Disk/New VM Wizard?
a.p. - Thanks, we do use templates already and have the disk format set to eager thick zero within, but that's unfortunate that there's no way to change the default in vCenter or the client connecting...
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