Re: Multi-Site SSO Setup vCenter 5.1 Linked Mode
What you will need here is to install SSO in site 2 in multisite mode., this treats...
View ArticleRe: mount the replicated volumes
Here's the updated script: # load the VMware module$VimAutoCore = "VMware.VimAutomation.Core"if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name $VimAutoCore -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) { Write-Host...
View ArticleRe: create alarms with powercli
An EventAlarmExpression doesn't have the yellow and red properties, those are used in MetricAlarmExpression.Have a look at Alarm expressions – Part 2 : Event alarms, it shows how event based alarms...
View ArticleRe: Inventory service can't be started, service status stay in starting,How...
Whats the size of the IS DB? If the situation is unresolvable then try resetting the IS db:...
View ArticleRe: Permanently increase default and max DHCP lease times?
Okay here is what I am seeing in the Windows event logs when this happens: "The browser has forced an election on network \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{...} because a master browser was stopped." Most Googling...
View ArticleRe: create alarms with powercli
Hello,I hope the follow informations can help?I tried to set folowing: Righter general: - Alarm Name: .... - Alarm Description: .... - Alarm Type Monitore: Hosts - Monitor for specific...
View ArticleRe: ESX5.1U1 and management of LSI 9650SE 2 Port Controller
Bump! No one any idea or helping hint?
View ArticleGetting error "vcpu-0:DoubleFault @ 0x4020:0xc9420" on vmware server 1.0.6
I was having no issues with vmware on windows 7, recently i brought windows 8 and while trying to start vm i get this error message "vcpu-0:DoubleFault @ 0x4020:0xc9420". I am trying to open an...
View ArticleRe: Change User hqadmin
cases for ipad are popular in the market This case corresponds to the iPad, and magnets in the proceedings standby mode if the iPad just online. Slot cover to keep the iPad in a corner of the screen...
View ArticleRe: Workspace Client fails to login
Hi Emily Great news. I need to have this matter sovled by this wednesday 4/9. Is the patch anywhere near finished? Other wise i would like to have it manualy fixed. ThanxJoakim Zeilon
View ArticleРезервное копирование виртуальной машины (файлов виртуальной машины)
Добрый день, коллеги. Поделитесь, каким образом вы делаете резервные копии виртуальных машин? Специальный платный софт не вариант, пиратка тоже. В идеале хотелось бы через PowerCLi, но тут какая то...
View ArticleRe: Слишком медленная скорость при копировании командлетом Copy-DatastoreItem
Спасибо за ссылку. Из нее я понял, что трафик при использовании командлента Copy-DataStoreItem, извиняюсь идет через *опу =) . Хотелось бы найти техническое описании реализации данного командлета, если...
View ArticleRe: Detect on which ESXi version a VM is running from the guest
Hi MkGuyThank you very much for this answer. It's not the answer to my question but the answer of my objective !
View ArticleRe: Memory reclamation
Which of the many memory related metrics exactly are you watching? I suppose it's memory active? It's normal to see delays here, since "active memory" is based on statistical sampling of how long...
View ArticleMSSQL: Snapshot isolation transaction aborted
EDIT:Some informations about context: I have this error only on the vCACSelfService portal when I request a blueprint, ... On vCAC webpage (localhost), I can request without error and provisioning is...
View ArticleDetailed info about tasks and failed tasks restart
Hi I'm new in vCenter but worked long time with Microsoft SCVMM. I can not findtwo functions thatwere very useful:1.Detailedinformation aboutthe task. For example, whenmigratingseenhow manygigabytes of...
View ArticleRe: ESX5.1U1 and management of LSI 9650SE 2 Port Controller
It seems like you merely included the driver for the controller but not the actual CIM providers for hardware management. Make sure you include the separate CIM/SMI-S provider by LSI. Also...
View ArticleRe: HQ agent's false avaibility status
Hi, my name is Boris, I'm from Hyperic QE team.Can you please add a logs files of HQ Server and agents. In addition OS of HQ Server and Agents.Thanks
View ArticleRe: Guest OS BSOD: multiprocessor_configuration_not_supported
Still I cannot reproduce it with your configs. I did not see anything abnormal s from your logs. I will try if I can get some dev to look at your logs.
View ArticleDatastore dedicated for netbackup snapshots
Hi We've had a few issues in the past, just like everyone, with stuck or orphaned snapshots, or just general poor snapshot maintenance, which has caused VMs to fail due to datastore capacity filling up...
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