Re: Change permissions on a virtual machine to lock it? WS 9.0.2
Well first of all one should be making proper backups to restore from if/when necessary and IMO one should remove the Parent of the Clones from the Library so as not to accidentally use it even though...
View ArticleRe: Deploying, customizing, and modifying VMs from a csv file
Just wondering why you decided to do the network setting after deploying the VM, any specific reason? If not, you can actually pass those paramters to the OScustomization spec so you wouldn't need to...
View ArticleRe: Deploying, customizing, and modifying VMs from a csv file
Hi Mark, We have a large number of VLANs here, so in order to get around creating several different OScustomization's I have a single OScustomization which uses DHCP. This allows the server to boot,...
View ArticleRe: P2V error: FAILED: An error occurred during the conversion:...
sorry. will provide agent logs soon
View ArticleRe: hitting walls with UPS....
Concerning software, you have (at least) three options:1. original "PowerChute" software2. free "NUT" (network ups tool)3. free "apcupsd". I'd recommend to use NUT for one reason: there is vib...
View ArticleNeed a Indexer
Hello guys, What I am looking for is a alerting system that can monitor a vcenter or multiple vcenters and push back alerts when anything changes. For example - If I want to know when my customer...
View ArticleRe: Deploying, customizing, and modifying VMs from a csv file
Ah, we have same thing lots of VLAN's but we just set the network label before powering on so it is on the proper vlan while it customizes and then joins the domain. It does it all on the fly So,...
View ArticleRe: Exclude a computer from uploading
I'm not sure that the No Upload policy is not interfering with the re-upload after the app layer is applied. I applied app layers to two machines that had the No Upload policy. The app layers...
View ArticleRe: Script to Remove HDDs other than HDD1 from VM and re-add it back.
Gotcha, misread that. What is the error you get on the new-harddisk? Try passing just the variable with out the quotes and curly braces {" "}New-HardDisk -VM $vmname -DiskPath $HDDfile.Filename
View ArticleJava7 U25 + IE 8
Does someone was able to use thinapp for Internet Explorer 8 and Java 7 u25 as a plugin? When we add this java plugin with thinapp, IE crash with any message Thank you
View ArticleRe: Eject CD/DVD from vApp Template
was the ISO originally inserted via the vCloud Director UI?
View ArticleRe: UserSession null and PropertyProviderAdapter
Sure, you can inject the UserSessionService in any java service code like you were showing. What was not working when you tried? Once you get a hold of the ServerInfo array userSession.serversInfo you...
View ArticleRe: Correct way to collect usage data in vCloud using the API
vCloud API would let you see what is. Therefore you would need to program something to track changes over time at given intervals. Usage Meter won't track networks/firewalls/vpns, etc. It tracks...
View ArticleRe: vCloud doesn't share external network between VDC's?
Are these 2 providers in the same vCenter? If so, then the hosts in both clusters need to be on the same distributed switch and have the exact same port group presented to them. Then the sharing...
View ArticleRe: VCenter Appliance will not use my windows creds to login.
Ok so this is pretty strange. If I type my username as domain\username with my password it works, but if I check the box that says use my windows credentials it is that?
View ArticleRe: volume bigger than 2 TB
With vSphere 5.5 which was just announced at VMworld, you can have virtual disks with up to 62TB (see However, this...
View ArticleRe: Move VMs in Folders by FolderID
How about this, haven't tested it so I would test first. csv headersvmname,folderid $vmlist = import-csv vm_placement.csv $vmlist | % {$folder = Get-Folder -id $vmlist.folderidMove-VM -VM...
View ArticleGenerate virtual machine and deploy
Hello all, I wish to create a virtual machine and upload it to a secure ftp site for download. 1-The virtual machine is large as it contains OS, RDBMS, application -2-End users are not very technical...
View Articlegetting error on esxi5.0 on each host in cluster
Cannot synchronize host XXXXXX. A general system error occurred: Unexpected exception reading HTTP response body: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out) with trace: backtrace[00] rip...
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